Earth Day 2024: Reduce energy bills and your carbon footprint with Indoor Climate Control

Discover how Minut is reducing the carbon footprint of property managers around the world.
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April 22, 2024
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Earth Day 2024: Reduce energy bills and your carbon footprint with Indoor Climate Control

Did you know that simply lowering the temperature in your property by just two degrees can double your energy savings? Staying vigilant about your property's temperature isn't just an environmental responsibility—after all, nobody wants to be accountable for excessive energy consumption—it's also an important move to preserve your profit margins.

As we celebrate Earth Day, a global initiative aimed at promoting environmental awareness and action, we want to start with how we at Minut are making it easier than ever for property managers to increase their sustainability efforts, and reduce their carbon footprint.  

In this blog post, we'll dive into why it’s so important for property managers to be aware of their environmental impact. We’ll also look at how Minut's technology not only enhances property management efficiency, but also contributes to a greener, more sustainable future.

The importance of environmental conservation in property management

From residential buildings to commercial complexes, every property consumes resources and generates waste. As our awareness of environmental issues grows, property managers face increasing pressure to adopt sustainable practices that minimize their ecological impact.

Traditionally, property management has been associated with high energy consumption, water wastage, and inefficiencies in maintenance practices. Heating, cooling, lighting, and water usage in buildings contribute to greenhouse gas emissions and resource depletion. In fact, the U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA), found that buildings accounted for about 40% of total U.S. energy consumption in 2023.

But that doesn’t mean saving energy and being environmentally conscious is a lost cause. In fact, we at Minut believe the opposite—the importance of environmental conservation in property management has never been greater. 

We’re Minut

Minut is the go-to platform for rental monitoring around the world. Founded in Sweden, we’ve made it part of our mission to step up to our environmental responsibility. Our hardware is manufactured just moments away from our HQ in Malmö, which ensures both the best quality product, and sustainable building practices. However, our dedication to environmental responsibility now also enables thousands of property managers to do their part worldwide, with our Indoor Climate feature.

Indoor Climate Control: Keep guests comfortable, reduce costs, and minimize environmental impact

How many times have you visited your property between guests, only to discover that the heating or aircon is on full blast? 

Despite its substantial contribution to climate change, many guests habitually leave their HVAC unit running non-stop to maintain their own comfort. Often, this means guests will vacate the property with the aircon or heating on full, until cleaners or property managers visit for themselves.

Reducing running costs

Our Indoor Climate feature is available for every Minut customer. It enables you to view and monitor the real-time temperature and humidity of your properties in our dashboard, so you can go and make manual changes or arrangements if necessary.

If you’d rather automate this process, our tado° integration takes climate monitoring even further, enabling you to automate any actions or changes based on your temperature preferences. For example, you can automate the temperature to drop in your property when a guest vacates. 

💡Don’t worry, we have more smart tech integrations coming soon! 

Whichever you choose, our Indoor Climate feature isn’t only good for the environment—lowering your property’s temperature by just one degree can reduce energy use by about 10%, while a 2°C decrease can double savings. With global energy costs rising, a 10-20% reduction can drastically impact your budget. Imagine the savings when you’re able to lower or even turn off your HVAC system in between guests.

Minut's indoor climate control enables property managers to automate temperature

How does the feature work?

Minut customers can set thresholds on their devices for monitoring their property’s temperature and humidity. As part of our latest dashboard update, Indoor Climate Events will now be a feature on the dashboard—enabling you to see any anomalies immediately.

If you head into the feature, you will be able to view each property’s threshold and the temperature of each home. If there’s a drastic change—temperatures of near freezing, or mold risk—you will also receive a Safety Alert.

Want to get started? If you’re a Minut customer, simply enable the feature on your Homes dashboard to start receiving insights. 

A screenshot from the Minut dashboard of the minute climate control

Sustainable property management has never been easier

We’re continuously coming up with new ways to make the rental industry more environmentally friendly, and are dedicated to making it easier for property managers worldwide to minimize their carbon footprint.

If you’d like to find out more about our Indoor Climate feature or learn why Minut is the leading rental monitor platform for property managers worldwide,  book a demo with one of our team. We’d love to discuss how we can help you.